Early Stages

We want to lay a solid foundation for your dog before you take it home as a puppy. There are some fundamental experiences/exposures we believe each puppy should have at a young age in order to help them flourish. We use positive reinforcement/praise as a means to encourage and empower each puppy and make their “learning” a fun experience which we believe is fundamental. Before you take your puppy home they will have these experiences and encounters.

ENS (Early Neurological Stimulation)

Bird Exposure

Noise Introduction

Getting Started

Once you take your puppy home there are some simple steps you can do to begin socializing and training your puppy. We believe in positive reinforcement and training a puppy by making everything an enjoyable experience or ‘a game’ rather than correcting unwanted actions through discipline. To be sure some measure of discipline will be needed along the way but Griffons are very in tune to people. We believe each dog has it’s own unique personality, just like us, and each handler will need to learn how their dog best learns and responds.